[#BBNaija] Day 11: Another Wager loss

By Esan Henry Olaoluwa|Jul 31 2020

The Lockdown geng lost their second Thursday Night Wager Challenge in a row.

For another opportunity to double their current BB Naira (which currently stands at 810 BB Naira), Biggie tasked the Housemates to a circus show in this week’s Wager Task.

As a House, they were tasked to work together and develop an array of entertaining performances. So what did Biggie expect from this circus? A group of entertainers with an outstanding showcase. Be it magic tricks, juggling tricks, acrobatic tricks or something as simple as singing.

Be your own judge

Before giving his final verdict, Biggie asked the HoH Lucy, Praise, Vee and Deputy Head of House to judge the House’s show tonight.

Of course, they encouraged themselves and gave their presentation a solid pass. But was Biggie convinced?


For their outstanding acts in tonight’s presentation, Biggie awarded Praise and Vee 20 BB Naira each. Unfortunately, Neo’s reward was taken back from him because he faulted in following Biggie’s House rules.

Speaking of not following Biggie’s rules, these Housemates were called out for being on this table: Nengi, Neo and Laycon for the offense of whispering in hush tones.

Although, Biggie found their Wager presentation interesting, he didn’t think they deserved a Wager win because they keep flouting his House rules.

On this note, their current Betway wallet still stands at 810 BB Naira.

Seeing that they have lost their Wager twice in a row, will the Housemates sit up next week and start taking Biggie’s Tasks and House rules seriously?

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